Functions enabling a manual optimization of signal significance for a phenomenological problem (primarily for the purposes of comparison with the performance of a machine learning algorithm)


manual_significance(S, Bs, se, bes)

Returns signal significance given yield and efficiency for signal and background


points2hrs(points, points2sec=0.168)

Returns number of hours required to compute significance for given number of points


maxhrs2points(maxhrs, points2sec=0.168)

Returns maximal number of points capable of being computed during a given number of hours


sig_grid(signal, backgrounds, numS, numBs, cuts)

Computes signal significance for a high-dimensional grid of event selection criteria.

signal should contain 2D signal data, backgrounds should be a list where the $i$th element contains 2D background data for the $i$th background type, numS should give signal yield, numBs should be a list of background yields for each background type, and cuts should take the following form.

Each row of cuts should take the form [index, isCutBelow, vals] where index gives the index of the feature being cut on in the signal/background data, isCutBelow is a boolean specifying if that variable should involve removing data points below (True) or above (False) the given values, and vals is a list of values to cut at


opt_sig(signal, backgrounds, numS, numBs, cuts, num_iter=3)

Iteratively calls sig_grid with finer and finer spectra of event selection criteria (kinematic cuts) to check